TradeBeam Holdings Inc.

TradeBeam Holdings Inc.

TradeBeam, a Global Trade Management software and services company, streamlines global trading processes for enterprises and their partners. Comprehensive, integrated solutions delivered via the on-demand SaaS model provide import and export compliance, inventory management, shipment tracking, supply chain event management, and global trade finance solutions.

Drawing on a diverse, highly experienced team with intimate knowledge of supply chain processes in multiple industries, including high-tech, electronics, retail, manufacturing, distribution and third-party logistics, TradeBeam has tailored its solutions with pre-configured industry templates along with features, functionality, and best practices embedded in the workflows that each industry demands. These solutions are also completely customizable to meet specific needs, and TradeBeam has the knowledge, domain expertise, and resources to help customers optimize the workflows of their critical end-to-end global trading processes.

Contact Details

Office Address

TradeBeam Holdings Inc.
Two Waters Park Drive
Suite 100
San Mateo, CA, USA 94403-1148
Phone: +1-650-653-4800
Fax: +1-650-653-4801


CEO and Director

Edward R. (Ed) Flaherty

VP Technology

Nasser Mirzai

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