Bead Industries, Inc.

Bead Industries makes the beaded chains used to flush toilets and operate ceiling fans and window blinds. The ubiquitous metal swag (branded Bead Chain) has a number of other uses, including securing gas tanks, attaching commercial shower curtains, and leashing bank pens, as well as key chains, dog tags, and neck chains. The company's Bead Electronics division makes various pins and connectors found in PC boards, cars, and telecom devices. Bead Industries also owns UK-based chain manufacturer Sturge Industries, and McGuire Manufacturing, a US maker of plumbing products. Founded by Waldo D. Bryant, the company is still led by members of his family.
Contact Details
Office Address
Bead Industries, Inc.
11 Cascade Boulevard
Milford, CT, USA 06460-2849
Phone: (203) 301-0270
Fax: (203) 301-0280
Kenneth E. (Ken) Bryant
Jill Mayer