Cargill Meat Solutions
Cargill Meat Solutions Corporation is really very good at being a leading meat processor in the US. It excels at turning cows, pigs and turkeys into meat at its plants in the US and Canada, which it sells countries around the world. It also produces case-ready and pre-cooked meats and meals for the grocery and foodservice industries. Its brands include Honeysuckle White, Sterling Silver, Angus Pride, and Tender Choice. Cargill Meat Solutions supplies fresh beef and pork to Precept Foods, a joint venture with Hormel that markets branded fresh meats. Cargill Meat Solutions is the integrated result of a string of acquisitions, including Emmpak Foods, Taylor Packing, and Excel.
Contact Details
President; President, Cargill Case Ready Beef
Jody Horner
VP Retail Sales
David Barocco