Haryana Dairy Development Cooperative Federation Ltd

HARYANA is one of the most progressive states of Republic of India. In the domain of dairy development it is well known for its productive milch cattle particularly the 'Murrah' Buffaloes and Haryana Cows. The economy of the state is predominantly based on agriculture. People rear and breed cattle as a subsidiary occupation. The essence of various programmes launched in the State has been to adopt the Anand pattern of Milk Co-operatives. Under this system, all the functions of dairying like milk procurement, processing and marketing are controlled by the Milk Producers themselves. It has three tier system comprising milk Producers Societies at the village level, Milk Producers Co-operative Union at the district level and the state Milk Federation as an apex body at the State level.The Haryana Dairy Development Co-operative Federation Ltd. registered under Haryana Co-operative Societies Act came into existence on April 1,1977. Its authorized share capital is Rs.4000 lacs.