In the year 1974, two dynamic and enterprising personalities Mr. Subhash Kulkarni & Mr. Anil Janib joined and decided to establish a company. In the year 1974, they purchased single old centre lathe and started a cottage Industry. Thus born an industry named Ranajit Industries. Founder of the unit are well educated and technocrat people. Due to hard work, proper decision-making, extraordinary technical knowledge and foresight, company has done well progress. Following is the graph of company’s progress. In the year 1974, started a cottage industry named Ranajit Industries with a single lathe & had got vendor registration from M/s Telco Ltd.(Tata Motors), Pune & Jamashedpur. After one year no of lathes increased up to 4 nos. At that time, the industry was depending only on labour work of local parties & job work of M/s. Telco.