Herbal Wood Glass
Diabetes treatment is necessary for people who diagnosed with diabetes, but firstly people have to know about diabetes.Diabetes", considered still as a mystery disease. According to the statistical evaluation till 1974, there is 130 million of diabetic population in all over the world. While quoting on the incidental rate of diabetic population, in India, figure of known diabetics exceed 10 million undetected cases of diabetes in addition. In other countries like Japan and Canada the rate of incidence is 50 out of 1000, while in U.K it is 15 out of 1000. In U.S.A there are about 5 to 6 million diabetics. Moreover about 6 percentage of the population is subjected to the attack of the disease annually.According to the TOI report, most people in their productive years (aged 20 to 79 years) aren't aware that they are diabetic, a disease that exposes them to heart attack, stroke, amputations, nerve damage, blindness and kidney disease.