Super Urecoat Industries
Super Urecoat Industries is one of the largest manufacturers and exporters of various Organic Titanates, Blocked Polyisocyanates and Insulating Varnish. It is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company. Super Urecoat Industries was established in 1980 originally as a manufacturer of Polyurethane Coatings. Later in 1981, Sikane was established independently as a manufacturer of Phenol Blocked Polyisocyanates and PU Insulating Varnishes. In the year 1987, Super Urecoat Industries started manufacturing high quality basic Organic Titanates to serve the wire enamel industries and by the year 2000, it developed whole range of organic titanates and their various derivatives to serve various coatings and ink industries as well. In the year 2010, Super Urecoat Industries incorporated the range of Blocked polyisocyanates and various PU based products into its portfolio by amalgamating Sikane into Super Urecoat Industries.