Winners Hospitality Training

Winners Hospitality Training

The future is to continue raising the bar of service excellence. By our specially designed tailored sessions and our innovative training methods, we plan to promote an industry of tourism professionals who recognize that great service is great business. We have been in Hospitality Industry for the last ten years. Our extensive experience comes from a wide range of Hotels, Restaurants, Clubs and Lounges that includes Training Staff of all chief departments. We worked and held strong positions and worked with eminent places in north India and ultimately moved to Goa few years back and worked with star properties where we closely worked with each department and provided our extensive range of experience and training. We assist clients in setting the benchmark for exceptional guest service and contribute our knowledge, experience, and passion in a way that will engage your entire team.

Contact Details


Winners Hospitality Training
Minerva Jain
Hospitality Trainer
Goa, GO 403521
Mobile: +91-8806944614

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