CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office
CCPIT PATENT & TRADEMARK LAW OFFICE is the largest full-service intellectual property law firm in China with the longest history. We have over 470 staff including more than170 patent and trademark attorneys, among whom near 40 have lawyer's qualification. We also have more than 80 patent engineers. With our main office in Beijing, we also have offices in New York, Munich, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Guangzhou. We provide prosecution, litigation, transaction and consultation services relating to patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, trade dress, domain name, anti-unfair competition and other intellectual property related matters.
CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office REPRESENT CLIENTS in every sector of industry and commerce. Our clients include individuals, domestic and foreign companies, ranging from start-up business to Fortune's Global 500 companies. For decades, we have successfully provided assistance to our clients in the protection of their intellectual property rights in China.
Contact Details
Yong Li