Bird & Bird LLP

Bird & Bird LLP

In common with other professional services firms, Bird & Bird has converted to limited liability partnership (LLP) status under English law. This change took effect on 29 November 2008 and applies to our businesses in the UK, and also in Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands, which are branch offices of the new LLP. Our office in Spain has become its own separate limited liability partnership under English law, and our office in France has become an association d'avocats à responsabilité professionnelle individuelle (AARPI). All our businesses in other countries have not changed and will be separate legal entities affiliated with Bird & Bird LLP. Please click here for more information on the change.

Contact Details

Office Address

Bird & Bird LLP
15 Fetter Lane
London, UK EC4A 1JP
Phone: +(44)-20-7415-6000
Fax: +(44)-20-7415-6111

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