BIRD Foundation

BIRD Foundation

The BIRD Foundation's name is a partial acronym for Israel-US Binational Industrial Research and Development; its reason for being is to fund collaborative research projects, with an emphasis on software, communications, microelectronics, and life sciences projects. Supported projects are joint development efforts between one US and one Israeli company, with BIRD funding up to half of development and commercialization costs. The foundation was established in 1977 by the US and Israeli governments, and partners include General Electric, Gilat, and Guidant.

Contact Details

Office Address

BIRD Foundation
Kiryat Atidim
Building 4, 15th floor
Tel Aviv, Israel 61581
Phone: (972)-3-698-8300
Fax: (972)-3-698-8327


Executive Director

Eitan Yudilevich


Shlomo Cohen

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