Bircham Dyson Bell LLP

Bircham Dyson Bell LLP

Bircham Dyson Bell is known for its work with charities and individuals, but the firm also offers legal services to corporate and governmental clients in areas including parliamentary, public law, planning, and real estate. The law firm's charity group works with organizations ranging from family trusts to national charities; it provides formation, administration, and promotional assistance. Clients have included The British Horse Society, Coalfields Regeneration Trust, Consumers' Association, The National Trust, The Salvation Army Trust, and Starlight Children's Foundation.

Contact Details

Office Address

Bircham Dyson Bell LLP
50 Broadway
London, UK SW1H 0BL
Phone: (44)-20-7227-7000
Fax: (44)-20-7222-3480


Senior Executive

Brian Griffin

Managing Partner

Guy Vincent

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