Air Traffic Alliance
Air Traffic Alliance wants to make air travel safe and efficient. The organization aims to prevent flight delays, increase security, and meet the demands of an increasing passenger load by conducting research and development in the design of an air traffic management (ATM) system. The alliance serves passengers, airlines, air traffic service providers, and airports. It does so through the synchronization of air and ground services and integration and improvements in aircraft design and satellite and onboard navigation systems. As part of its plan Air Traffic Alliance started SESAME, a program to implement a single ATM system across Europe by 2020.
Contact Details
Office Address
Air Traffic Alliance
19 rue de la Fontaine
Bagneux Cedex, FRANCE 92221
Phone: +33-1-40-84-41-89
Fax: +33-1-40-84-13-49
Bertrand de I'Epinois
VP Strategy and Communication
Johan Orsingher