Neural Technologies Limited

Neural Technologies Limited

Neural Technologies (Nt) has established itself as a leading provider of risk management software solutions. Formed in 1990, the company has built upon a foundation in neural analysis and design to provide highly effective and innovative solutions that substantially increase bottom-line returns for its customers.

Nt's solutions empower organisations to minimise financial risk to their business, providing comprehensive risk management capability in the areas of fraud, bad debt, customer attrition, collections, revenue assurance and security.

The company has been ranked in both the Sunday Times Tech Track 100 league table of the UK's top technology companies and in the Sunday Times Profit Track 100 of the UK's fastest growing companies. It was named Large Technology Supplier of the Year 2008 by the British Computer Society.

Contact Details

Office Address

Neural Technologies Limited
Neural Technologies Limited
Ideal House,Bedford Road
Petersfield, Hampshire, UK GU323QA
Phone: +44-1730-260256
Fax: +44-1730-260466



John Gavan


Janos Kopecek

Business Reviews for Neural Technologies Limited

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