DOCdata N.V

DOCdata N.V

DOCdata provides electronic fulfillment, online payment processing, and other e-commerce related services to businesses and consumers through its Docdata Internet services firm. The business also provides media services such as DVD and CD manufacturing and distribution for record labels, software developers, and film studios. The company's other main unit, IAI (Industrial Automation Integrators), employs optical and laser technology to build production systems used in a variety of applications, including film subtitles, packaging, and security printing.

Contact Details

Office Address

DOCdata N.V
Energieweg 2, NW Waalwijk, Netherlands 5145
Phone: +31-416-631-100
Fax: +31-416-631-111


Chairman, Supervisory Board

Emiel F. van Veen


Michiel Alting von Geusau

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