Tennessee Valley Financial Holdings, Inc

Tennessee Valley Financial Holdings, Inc

Hometown Banking Returns to Oak Ridge"-this announcement was made in 1995 when 21 organizers and many local citizens combined their efforts to open the first locally owned commercial bank in Oak Ridge since 1953. That effort has evolved into a local business with more than 700 shareholders, almost $7 million dollars in capital and earnings of over one half million for 2001. Total assets exceeded $122 Million as of October 31st, 2004. As the bank continues to bring Hometown Banking to new customers each year. TNBANK is fortunate to have dedicated employees, a strong board of directors, and the trust and support of its community. Our growth and increasing profitability has enabled us to expand our services and our geographic coverage. TNBANK wants to help people expand businesses and own homes.

Contact Details

Office Address

Tennessee Valley Financial Holdings, Inc
401 S. Illinois Ave
Oak Ridge, TN , USA 37830
Phone: (865) 483-9444
Fax: (865) 483-3535



J. Frank Jamison

President and CEO

Thomas E. (Tom) Tuck

Business Reviews for Tennessee Valley Financial Holdings, Inc

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