John Scheepers, Inc.

John Scheepers, Inc.

Fellow countryman John Scheepers founded the company in 1905; he made the tulip the symbol of spring and came to be known as The Tulip King. John Scheepers isn't sheepish about its specialty. The company sells more than 700 varieties of tulips, narcissi, lilies, amaryllis, and rare and unusual Dutch bulbs through catalogs and online. It also sells bulb food and offers tips and planting information on its Web site. Company president Jan Ohms owns John Scheepers and sister company Van Engelen, a bulb wholesaler. Ohms is a fourth generation bulb specialist from Holland.

Contact Details

Office Address

John Scheepers, Inc.
23 Tulip Dr., PO Box 638
Bantam, CT, USA 06750
Phone: (860) 567-0838
Fax: (860) 567-5323



Jan S. Ohms

Business Reviews for John Scheepers, Inc.

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