Pinnacol Assurance
Never content to rest on our laurels, Pinnacol Assurance has set our sights on being best in the nation. Our name itself (a play on "pinnacle") reflects a commitment to being the peak performer in the workers' compensation industry. And its spelling ("col" at the end, instead of "cle") recognizes our heritage and dedication to the people of Colorado.Helping our customers reach the pinnacle of success in Colorado is what we're all about. It's what our name says, but, more importantly, it reflects our entire way of doing business. We perform at the peak, so that you can too.
Contact Details
Office Address
Pinnacol Assurance
7501 E. Lowry Blvd
Denver, CO , USA 80230
Phone: (303) 361-4000
Fax: (303) 361-5000
Jeff Tetrick
VP Strategic Development and CIO
Robert Norris