Nemetschek North America Inc

Nemetschek North America Inc

Nemetschek North America creates software that lets designers and engineers do pretty much everything but touch their creations during the design process. A subsidiary of European software company Nemetschek AG, the company develops design software serving clients in the architecture, engineering, entertainment, landscaping, and manufacturing industries. Its VectorWorks computer-aided design (CAD) software features 2-D and 3-D modeling, report generation, programmability, and industry-specific modules (including packages for professional lighting design and architecture). The company, which markets directly and through distributors, also offers training manuals, videos, and tutorial software.

Contact Details

Office Address

Nemetschek North America Inc
7150 Riverwood Dr
Columbia, MD, USA 21046-1245
Phone: +410-290-5114
Fax: +410-290-8050



Richard B. (Rich) Diehl


Sean Flaherty

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