American Imaging Management, Inc.
American Imaging Management (AIM) helps HMOs do what they do best: peer over physicians' shoulders and see how much they are spending on treatment. The company's diagnostic imaging management services help insurers and health care providers manage the utilization of ultrasound, mammography, radiology, and other imaging services. American Imaging's service areas include program design, analysis and reporting, cost management, financial services, and Web application.American Imaging Management company also provides radiology education tools. Clients include HMOs, PPOs, insurers, physicians' groups, and hospitals. Founded in 1989, AIM is the oldest diagnostic imaging management company in the nation; health insurer WellPoint owns it.
Contact Details
Office Address
American Imaging Management, Inc.
8600 W Bryn Mawr Ave, Suite 800
Chicago, IL, USA 60631
Phone: (847) 564-8500
Fax: (773) 864-4601
Brandon W. Cady
SVP Operations
James J. Chow