Rentrak Corporation

Rentrak Corporation

Rentrak provides videocassettes, DVDs, and video games to more than 10,000 video rental outlets in the US and Canada via its Pay-Per-Transaction (PPT) system. This system enables retailers to lease movies and games at lower than standard distribution costs in return for a cut of the rental revenue. The PPT system accounts for most of the company's revenues. Rentrak also provides business intelligence services to the entertainment industry, principally reporting domestic and foreign box-office receipts for motion pictures on a nearly real-time basis.

Contact Details

Office Address

Rentrak Corporation
7700 NE Ambassador Place,3rd Floor
Portland, OR, USA 97220-1393
Phone: (503) 284-7581
Fax: (503) 331-2734



Paul A. Rosenbaum

CEO and Director

William P. (Bill) Live

Business Reviews for Rentrak Corporation

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