Symbiot, Inc
Symbiot's mission is simple: Measure perimeter network risk in a way that can be acted on quickly. The greatest challenge to managers tasked with maintaining IT infrastructures is the difficulty in measuring and acting upon information misuse in a growing environment of complexity and unknown impact. Traditional methods of information security approach the problem from a one-dimensional trajectory: That of "the attack". Symbiot's approach measures the three contributory factors which make up what really matters: Loss. These factors are: "Attacker," "Defender," and "Method". Symbiot has developed a system for quantifying network risks into simple scores using long-term attacker profiling, behavioral modeling and defender vulnerability. Symbiot's Risk Metric solutions dramatically optimizes the flow of network traffic into a system of measurement, visualization and reporting tools that can be relied on as a decision support system by technical managers faced with growing security concerns. Symbiot's Risk Metric Scoring solves the hard problem of distilling thousands of security alerts per minute down to an "at a glance" network health measurement. This summary score is ideal for use in highly regulated heterogeneous environments by technical professionals who have limited time and resources to devote to keeping vigilant on IT security threats.
Contact Details
Chairman and President
Mike W. Erwin
VP Security and Technology
Jamie L. Pugh