Asturiana de Zinc S.A.

Asturiana de Zinc S.A.

Have you had your zinc today? Well, Asturiana de Zinc sure has. The company's core business is the refining and production of zinc metal. Its primary mining operation is the Reocín mine in Spain. Along with your run-of-the-mill ingots and wire, the company also produces zinc-based alloys, sulphuric acid, germanium dioxide, and good old zinc oxide. Asturiana de Zinc operates globally, with production units in Australia, North America, and South America in addition to its European operations. Its parent company, the Swiss metals giant Xstrata plc, has rolled its other zinc operations into Asturiana.

Contact Details

Office Address

Asturiana de Zinc S.A.
Cardenal Marcelo Spinola 42-7
Madrid, Spain 28016
Phone: +34-91-334-42-00
Fax: +34-91-334-42-03


Chairman, President, and CEO

Santiago Zaldumbide

General Manager

Manuel Alvarez Davila

Business Reviews for Asturiana de Zinc S.A.

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