Royal Schouten Group
Let's hear a shout for Royal Schouten Group's efforts in animal nutrition and biofuel. The group operates through several companies. Schouten Ceralco supplies soy, corn, palm oil, grains, and other products to the food, feed, and bio-energy markets. Its ColzaOil unit distributes rapeseed oil and other bio fuels by ship and truck for consumers across Europe. Schouten Products develops and produces vegetable-based ingredients, including toasted soya, tapioca, and corngluten meal, that are used to produce animal feed.
Contact Details
Office Address
Royal Schouten Group
Dockworks, gebouw I
Waalhaven, OZ, Netherlands 83
Phone: +31-102-99-5500
Fax: +31-102-99-5501
A. A. den Hartog
Schouten Ceralco Poland
Piotr Grela