Itoham Foods Inc.

Itoham Foods Inc.

Since its foundation in 1928, Itoham has followed its company policy of “Service to Society Through Business” by providing meat and processed meat products. As these products are an important source of the animal protein that we need as part of a healthy diet, our business has helped to improve the food lifestyles of people who consume our products. To this end we will continue to uphold the trust that the public places in us as a company that is responsible for food by implementing a comprehensive compliance system to improve our product quality management. At the same time, we remain committed to fulfilling our responsibilities as a member of society through environmental preservation, community-oriented initiatives and food awareness programs.

Contact Details

Office Address

Itoham Foods Inc.
4-27 Takahata-cho
Nishinomiya, Hyogo, Japan 663-8586
Phone: +81-798-66-1231
Fax: +81-798-64-1140



Kenici Ito


Masami Ito

Business Reviews for Itoham Foods Inc.

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