The DaVinci Institute, Inc.

The DaVinci Institute, Inc.

From its humble beginnings in a small office on Main Street in Longmont, Colorado, the DaVinci Institute began as the brainchild of Thomas Frey, a seasoned entrepreneur and one of IBM’s most decorated idea laureates. Unlike Leonardo DaVinci, the Institute set its sights on producing tangible results as opposed to conceptual thinking. The founders decided that they didn’t just want to talk about the future – they wanted to help unlock the future, one idea, one invention, one business at a time. With this directive, the Institute began educating aspiring inventors and entrepreneurs with the critical skills necessary to make their projects viable.

During the past twelve years the Institute has been very prolific in its accomplishments, writing and publishing countless papers and producing over 100 events across the country. These events have ranged from the hands-on Twitter Boot Camps, to the interactive Inventor Boot Camp for Kids, to the international – Forbes Magazine sponsored – Future of Money Summit.

Contact Details

Office Address

The DaVinci Institute, Inc.
511 S. Boulder Rd.
Louisville, CO, USA 80027
Phone: (303) 666-4133
Fax: (303) 666-2131


Executive Director and Senior Futurist

Thomas J. (Tom) Frey


Darby Frey

Business Reviews for The DaVinci Institute, Inc.

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