Esso S.A.F.
Esso S.A.F. specializes in the exploration and production of petroleum and has refining and distribution operations as well (through its two refineries at Fos-sur-Mer and Port-J�r�me Gravenchon). Key products include automobile and aviation fuels, distillates, heavy fuels, and other related products that are sold worldwide through the company's more than 700 service stations. In addition, Esso S.A.F. manufactures lubricants for both professional and private usage. Industry giant Exxon Mobil Corporation owns controls the exploration, production, refining, and marketing company.
Contact Details
Office Address
Esso S.A.F.
2 rue des Martinets
Rueil-Malmaison, FRANCE 92569
Phone: +33-1-47-10-60-00
Fax: +33-1-47-10-66-03
Chairman and CEO
Francis Duseux
Jean-Pierre Vanlander