Vaidhyas Ayurvedic
Vaidhyas Ayurvedic hospital aims to propagate the purity and power of ayurveda in healing the mental, physical ailment of the society. So we welcome all of you to feel and enjoy the pure, powerful and healing touch of Ayurveda.We feel blesses as we are at the service of human beings and our medium is most powerful and truthful science Ayurveda. For us a patient is a Representation of God, and treatment is a prayer. At our hospital we are getting more than 99% of success rate in almost all the treatments conducted over here. Specially for Low back ache, Cervical spondylitis, Disc prolapse (IVDP), Joint pain, Arthritis, Migraine, Hyper Tension, Diabetes, Bronchial Asthma, Obesity, Depression, Insomnia, Skin diseases (Psoriasis, Articarea etc.), Infertility (male and female), Gynaecological problems like Leucorrhoea, menstrual problems, ovarian cyst(PCOD) etc., Antenatal care, post natal care, Anti cancerous treatment, Purification and rejuvenation, Different types of skincare treatment.