Hexagon AB

Hexagon AB

Hexagon is a world-leading supplier of systems for measurement of objects in one, two or three dimensions. The measurement systems measure with great precision and rapidly provide access to large amounts of measurement data. For the customer, this means greater efficiency and productivity, improved quality and significant material and cost savings in the production process. Hexagon's strategy is to be the most cost-efficient and innovative supplier, have the best management skills in the business and short and rapid decision processes. Hexagon's class B share is quoted among Large Cap companies on OMX Nordic Exchange and has a secondary listing on the SWX Swiss Exchange.

Hexagon's brand portfolio comprises strong brands that are well known in their sectors. Each brand represents a strong tradition in its geographical region and sector, which is why Hexagon uses different brands for different customer groups or in different markets. The Hexagon brands are listed to the right.

Contact Details

Office Address

Hexagon AB
Lilla Bantorget 15
P.O. Box 3692, Stockholm, Sweden SE-103 59
Phone: +46-8-601-26-20
Fax: +46-8-601-26-21



Melker Schorling

President, CEO, and Director

Ola Roll n

Business Reviews for Hexagon AB

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