American College of Healthcare Executives
The American College of Healthcare Executives is an international professional society of more than 30,000 healthcare executives who lead hospitals, healthcare systems and other healthcare organizations.ACHE is known for its prestigious FACHE credential, signifying board certification in healthcare management, and its educational programs including the annual Congress on Healthcare Leadership, which draws more than 4,000 participants each year. ACHE's established network of more than 80 chapters provides access to networking, education and career development at the local level.
In addition, ACHE is known for its magazine, Healthcare Executive, and its journals, the Journal of Healthcare Management and Frontiers of Health Services Management, as well as groundbreaking research, career development and public policy programs. ACHE's publishing division, Health Administration Press, is one of the largest publishers of books and journals on all aspects of health services management including textbooks for use in college and university courses.
Contact Details
Office Address
American College of Healthcare Executives
One North Franklin Street
Suite 1700
Chicago, IL, USA 60606-3529
Phone: +1-312-424-2800
Fax: +1-312-424-0023
Charles R. (Charlie) Evans
Immediate Past Chairman
Alyson Pitman Giles