nMetric, LLC

nMetric, LLC

Headquartered in Costa Mesa, California, nMetric was founded by veteran manufacturer Bob Koski and mathematician Ken Henderson. The two had originally conceived and developed their unique approach to logistics software as a process improvement initiative at Koski's Sun Hydraulics Corporation, a global manufacturer of hydraulic valves. The technology was spun off prior to Sun Hydraulics' IPO, leading to the founding of nMetric.

Today, their software has grown into the nMetric Product Suites for Production and Physical Logistics. Driven by the company's patented Smart Job™ technology, the suites consist of powerful, integrated applications specifically developed to help complex physical and production logistics environments achieve true performance optimization.

Contact Details

Office Address

nMetric, LLC
3070 S. Bristol St., Ste. 100
Costa Mesa, CA, USA 92626
Phone: +1-714-424-4400
Fax: +1-714-668-5877


President and CEO

Lucy Hoger


Ronald Ibarra

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