Parascript, LLC
Parascript, LLC develops recognition software and technologies for reading cursive handwriting, handprint, machine print, and other character types and turning them into electronic data. Products include applications for automated address recognition, check and financial document processing, check fraud prevention, form data field recognition, mail routing, signature authentication, and cancer detection. Government and corporate clients include the United States Postal Service, TIAA-CREF, Siemens AG, Unisys, and Lockheed Martin. In 2008 the company agreed to be acquired by AuthentiDate.
Contact Details
Office Address
Parascript, LLC
6899 Winchester Circle, Suite 200
Boulder, CO, USA 80301
Phone: +1-303-381-3100
Fax: +1-303-381-3101
President and CEO
Jeffrey (Jeff) Gilb
Ilia Lossev