AXS-One Inc.

AXS-One Inc.

AXS-One has a rich and long history culminating in its acquisition by Unify Corporation in June 2009.

AXS history as a company is marked not only by industry-leading innovation and change, but also by the seamless introduction of these enhancements into existing product line - allowing clients to protect their existing investments while profiting from the best that new technology has to offer.

Contact Details

Office Address

AXS-One Inc.
301 Rte. 17 North
Rutherford, NJ, USA 07070
Phone: +1-201-935-3400
Fax: +1-201-935-7678


Chairman, President, and CEO

William P. (Bill) Lyons

EVP, CFO, Secretary, and Treasurer

Joseph P. (Joe) Dwyer

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