Kansas Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.
Kansas Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. (KEPCo), headquartered at Topeka, Kansas, was incorporated in 1975 as a not-for-profit generation and transmission (G & T) cooperative. It is KEPCo's responsibility to procure an adequate and reliable power supply for its 19 distribution rural electric cooperative Members at a reasonable cost. Through their combined resources, KEPCo Members support a wide range of other services such as rural economic development, marketing and diversification opportunities, power requirement and engineering studies, and rate design, among others.KEPCo is governed by a Board of Trustees representing each of its 19 Members which collectively serve more than 110,000 electric meters in the eastern two-thirds of rural Kansas (see map). The KEPCo Board of Trustees meets regularly to establish policies and act on issues that often include recommendations from working committees of the Board and KEPCo staff.
Contact Details
Office Address
Kansas Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.
600 SW Corporate View
Topeka, KS, USA 66615
Phone: (785) 273-7010
Fax: (785) 271-4888
Stephen E. Parr
Kenneth J. (Ken) Maginley