City Utilities of Springfield, Missouri
This Springfield is not Homer Simpson's hometown, or Abe Lincoln's. City Utilities of Springfield, Missouri supplies electricity, natural gas, and water for residents and businesses in the southwestern Missouri town. The utility, which has about 1,970 miles of power lines and 1,300 miles of natural gas mains, serves about 106,560 electric customers, more than 82,220 natural gas customers, and more than 76,600 water customers. It also operates the municipal bus system, which has 25 regular street buses and five demand/response buses. City Utilities of Springfield has a service region of 320 sq. ml. and serves a base population of 229,000.
Contact Details
Office Address
City Utilities of Springfield, Missouri
301 E. Central St.
Springfield, MO, USA 65801
Phone: (417) 863-9000
Fax: (417) 831-8377
General Manager
John Twitty
ssociate General Manager and CFO
Jim Shuler