Northwest Administrators, Inc.
Northwest Administrators is a third-party administrator of employee benefits for employers in the Western US. Northwest Administrators company manages the administrative tasks, including claims payment, employer billing, and employment tracking, for self-funded health and welfare plans, pension plans, and other insurance and investment plans. Customers include corporations, government organizations, and employer associations. As a third-party administrator, it is unaffiliated with any one insurance provider or drug manufacturer. Founded in 1958, Northwest Administrators has offices in California, Oregon, and Washington.
Contact Details
Office Address
Northwest Administrators, Inc.
2323 Eastlake Ave E Ste 400
Seattle, WA , USA 98102-3305
Phone: (206) 329-4900
Fax: (206) 726-3209
Chris R. Hughes
VP Finance and Comptroller
Gayle Bushnell