Bruker AXS Inc

Bruker AXS Inc

Bruker AXS helps companies X-ray their way to the next hot drug. The firm makes X-ray systems that can analyze the structure of small molecules and aid in drug discovery and materials research. Bruker's products assist pharmaceutical and biotech firms in studying protein structure abnormalities, the cause of many diseases. Chemical and raw material manufacturers use Bruker's systems in their research of materials for making such products as steel, semiconductors, and plastics. Bruker AXS sells its products in the Asia/Pacific, Europe, and the Americas through direct sales and distributors. The company is a subsidiary of Bruker Corporation. Sister subsidiary Bruker Daltonics manufactures mass spectrometers.

Contact Details

Office Address

Bruker AXS Inc
5465 East Cheryl Parkway
Madison, WI, USA 53711-5373
Phone: (608) 276-3000
Fax: (608) 276-3006


President and CEO

Frank H. Laukien

EVP OES and Operations; Managing Director, Bruker AXS GmbH

Bernard J. Kolodziej

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