Compania Sud Americana de Vapores S.A.
Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores (CSAV) is a Chilean shipping company that is currently the largest in Latin America. CSAV, one of the oldest shipping companies in the world, was founded in 1872. The company’s business initially consisted exclusively of coastal shipping services but these were rapidly extended along the whole west coast of South America to the Panama Canal before this was opened to regular traffic.
CSAV then extended the scope of its business to the United States, followed by Europe, the Far East and Japan, South-East Asia/Pacific Islands and the east coast of South America. The company today offers services for general and bulk cargo, fresh and frozen products and vehicles, using its own and chartered ships, and establishing permanent links between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of South America and the rest of the world. The growth in trade between the different regions of the world has been essential to the current and future development of all countries and other economic benefits. CSAV has therefore seized the opportunities generated by global sea trade, adapting its services to customer requirements and establishing new routes and services, managing to unite Latin America with the world’s most important ports conveniently and efficiently.
Contact Details
Office Address
Compania Sud Americana de Vapores S.A.
Plaza Sotomayor 50
Valparaiso, Chile 2360171
Phone: +56-32-220-3000
Fax: +56-32-220-3333
SVP Administration and Finance
Rafael Ferrada Moreira
General Manager
Juan Antonio Alvarez Avendano