Telenor ASA

Telenor dominates the Norwegian telecommunications market with millions of mobile, fixed-line telephone, and Internet accounts. It also offers cable television in Norway and satellite television in Nordic countries through subsidiary Telenor Broadcast. The company serves about 3 million mobile phone users in Norway through Telenor Mobil. Its businesses in Denmark and Sweden each contribute about 2 million subscribers. Outside of the Nordic region, Telenor operates in Eastern Europe (including Russia, Ukraine, and Hungary) and in Asia (primarily Thailand). With about 170 million mobile subscribers overall, through subsidiaries and affiliated companies, Telenor is among the largest global wireless carriers.
Contact Details
Office Address
Telenor ASA
Snarøyveien 30
Fornebu, Norway N1331
Phone: +47-810-77-000
Fax: +47-678-90-000
Harald Norvik
President and CEO
Jon F. Baksaas