Allen Corporation of America, Inc.
Allen Corporation of America believes in the pursuit of life, liberty, and good technology. The company provides a variety of information technology (IT) and business services, including consulting, training, support, and logistics. Areas of speciality include electronic classroom services, automated systems supprt, application development, IP telephony systems integration, and network design. Allen Corporation of America counts corporations and government agencies among its customers. The US Army is a client. Founded in 1991, the company operates in the US from offices in New York and Virginia; it has a European sales office in the Netherlands.
Contact Details
Office Address
Allen Corporation of America, Inc.
10400 Eaton Place, Suite 450
Fairfax, VA, USA 22030
Phone: +866-472-5536
Fax: +571-321-1661
Carl von Sternberg
President and COO
K.C. Vaughey
VP Integrated Networks
Donald Delaney