Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc.

Pop Warner Little Scholars (PWLS) is mostly fun and games with incentives for academic achievement. It is a not-for-profit organization that offers football and cheer and dance programs for children ages five to 16. The organization has about 400,000 participants across more than 40 US states and several other countries. In order to participate, little cheerleaders and grid iron wanna-bes are required to maintain academic standards including a minimum 2.0 grade point average. School administrators can petition to have the requirement waived for students they think will benefit from the program.
Contact Details
Office Address
Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc.
586 Middletown Blvd., Suite C-100
Langhorne, PA, USA 19047
Phone: (215) 752-2691
Fax: (215) 752-2879
Executive Director
Jon Butler
Mary FitzGerald