Safestone Technologies Limited
All organisations are faced with the complicated task of identifying, providing and enforcing the best security policy for their individual business. The recent introduction of legally binding compliance regulations (Sarbanes-Oxley, PCI, Basel II, HIPAA) and information security standards (ISO17799, COBIT) has resulted in more focus on security and privacy issues, but the fundamental elements of security remain unchanged. Most successful interpretations of best of breed security standards involve a blend of user, system and application security.
With over 500 customers worldwide, Safestone’s business solution for the System i, DetectIT, has been specifically designed by security experts to improve the management of security and compliance across the most complex System i environments. The DetectIT security and compliance solution is fully audited software providing comprehensive policy compliance, intrusion detection, auditing management, exit point security, access control facilities, password management, profile management and centralized administration.
Contact Details
President and Chief Executive
John Todd
Finance Director
Alia Ali