BNI Coal Ltd.
BNI Coal Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of ALLETE (NYSE-ALE), owns and operates the Center Mine near Center, North Dakota. BNI Coal's surface mine supplies lignite coal to fuel the nearby Milton R. Young steam electric Generating Station, Units I and II. In 1930, Harris M. Baukol, his brothers and L.L. Monson formed Baukol-Noonan Lignite, Inc. and Noonan Holding Company. The companies began mining near Noonan, North Dakota. In 1949, the businesses were assumed by a successor company, Baukol-Noonan, Inc. Operations at the Center mine began in 1970. In 1988, Baukol-Noonan was purchased by Minnesota Power Company currently known as (ALLETE). Baukol-Noonan changed its name to BNI Coal Ltd. and relocated its headquarters to Bismarck, North Dakota. Today, BNI mines about 4.5 million tons of lignite coal annually, supplying both units of the Young Station. The mining process disturbs and reclaims approximately 210 acres per year. And with reserves of 600 million tons, BNI has ample capacity to expand production.
Contact Details
President and General Manager
Mike Hummel
Manager Operations
Wade Boeshans