Merlin Entertainments Group Limited

Merlin Entertainments Group Limited

Merlin Entertainments Group is a leading name in location based, family entertainment. Its aim is to deliver unique, memorable and rewarding experiences to millions of visitors across its growing estate, and it achieves this objective largely thanks to the commitment and passion of its managers and employees. Merlin’s brands, while being household names, will never fail to be distinctive, challenging and innovative. They will, in short, have attitude! They will deliver the best financial returns in the sector and demonstrate a record of growth in market share that will be unrivalled. In every respect and to every group of stakeholders Merlin will always be an exciting company to be involved with.

As a global company we have a set of values or ideals that we all work to. Achieving these ideals for our employees makes our locations great places to work and for our guest great places to visit. Merlin Entertainments Group have four values that all company employees from our Chief Executive Officer, to our newest employee, recognise and strive to work to.

Contact Details

Office Address

Merlin Entertainments Group Limited
3 Market Close
Poole, UK BH15 1NQ
Phone: +44-1202-666-900
Fax: +44-1202-661-303



Nick Varney


Andrew Carr

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