OPAP S.A. was established in 1958, as a private legal entity, according to P.D. of December 20th 1958, after the authorization was given according to the provision of par. 2, article 6 of L.D. 3865/1958. According to the decision of the Extraordinary General Assembly of the shareholders of the Company, dated 23.12.2003, its registered office was moved to the municipality of Peristeri Attica, 62 Kifisou Str., based upon the ministerial decision with prot. no. Κ2-268/15.1.2004, which approved the amendment of article 3 of the Company’s statute. This address constitutes the Company’s new registered offices. OPAP S.A. may establish branches, agencies and offices in Greece and abroad in order to serve its purposes.
Contact Details
Chairman and CEO
Christos Hadjiemmanuil
John Saraintaris