Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois
TRS was founded in 1939. Teachers Retirement System of The State of Illinois is a public pension benefit plan that provides retirement, disability, and survivor benefits for Illinois public school teachers, administrators, and personnel. Funded by contributions from members, employers, and the State of Illinois, as well as by investment income, TRS manages approximately $30 billion in assets. The system serves more than 350,000 members from all public schools except those in the city of Chicago. TRS is one of five state-funded retirement systems; the others are the State Universities Retirement System, the State Board of Investments, the State Employees' Retirement System, and the Judges Retirement System.
Contact Details
Office Address
Teachers' Retirement System of the State of Illinois
2815 West Washington
Springfield, IL, USA 62702
Phone: (217) 753-0311
Fax: (217) 787-2269
Acting Executive Director and Chief Investment Officer
Stan Rupnik
Director Administration
Jana Bergschneider
Information Systems Officer
Ed Mabie