School Employees Retirement System of Ohio

School Employees Retirement System of Ohio

School Employees Retirement System of Ohio was formed in 1937 and is based in Columbus, Ohio. School Employees Retirement System of Ohio (SERS) provides pension, survivor, disability, and post-retirement health care benefits active and retired non-teaching public school employees of Ohio. As a limited partner, School Employees Retirement System of Ohio is a public pension fund with $8 billion in assets under management. The fund engages in the following alternative investment strategies: buyouts/corporate finance, international private equity, and venture capital. It has a net internal rate of return target of the S&P 500 + 3%. The fund allocates 1% to 5% of its total assets to alternative investments.

Contact Details

Office Address

School Employees Retirement System of Ohio
300 East Broad Street, Suite 100
Columbus, OH, USA 43215-3746
Phone: (614) 222-5853
Fax: (614) 340-1295


Executive Director

James R. Winfree

Deputy Executive Director

Lisa J. Morris

Director, Finance

Virginia S. Brizendine

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