Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics AS

Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics AS also specialises in handling complex project cargoes such as rail cars, power generators, mining equipment and yachts. WWL's sophisticated supply chain management services ensure an efficient integration of ocean transportation, inland distribution, terminal handling and a large comprehensive range of specialised technical services.
From purchasing and contracting services to managing operations,Information systems, quality, performance, and financial services, WWL handles all aspects of the outbound supply chain. By optimising the physical flow of goods as well as the flow of information, we bring speed, accuracy, improved visibility and cost-efficiency to the outbound supply chain.
Contact Details
Office Address
Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics AS
Strandveien 20
Lysaker, Norway 1366
Phone: +47-67-58-4100
Fax: +47-67 58-4420
Arild B. Iversen
Rune Gisvold