Wampler Buchanan Walker Chabrow, Banciella & Stanley P.A.

Wampler Buchanan Walker Chabrow, Banciella & Stanley P.A.

The Firm typically employs a team approach to client representation. Client engagements are staffed with at least one senior attorney with overall responsibility and, where appropriate, one or more other attorneys and necessary support staff to insure forceful, proficient and cost effective representation of the client’s interests, consistent communication with the client and timely performance of assigned tasks. The client is familiarized with all team members and encouraged to participate at all levels to the extent the client deems appropriate. Additional personnel are assigned to the team in specific and limited capacities as may become necessary. Such augmentation may be appropriate to efficiently staff a significant litigation matter at certain key points or to complete extensive due diligence required in connection with a business transaction.

The Firm’s billing arrangements are designed to meet the needs of the client in the particular engagement in question. Hourly rates for attorneys and paralegals vary depending upon such factors as the experience level of the professionals providing the representation, the complexity of the matter, any unique circumstances that exist and the quantity and length of tasks involved. The Firm is also willing, where appropriate, to pass on to the client economies arising from the client’s need for large volume legal services, or to condition all or a portion of its compensation on the results obtained for the client.

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