ABC arbitrage

ABC arbitrage

ABC arbitrage knows the ABC's of arbitrage strategies in the global financial markets. It owns ABC arbitrage Asset Management, its principal subsidiary, which handles the company's trading activities and third-party portfolio management. The company employs quantitative investment techniques to take advantage of market turmoil or inefficiencies, such as when the same asset is traded at various prices on separate exchanges, or when a derivative has different maturity dates or is valued differently than its underlying asset. ABC arbitrage operates on more than 40 financial marketplaces; more than half of its transactions take place in the US, about a quarter in Europe.

Contact Details

Office Address

ABC arbitrage
18, rue du Quatre Septembre
Paris, FRANCE 75002
Phone: +33-1-53-00-55-00
Fax: +33-1-53-00-55-01


Chairman and CEO

Dominique Ceolin

Vice Chairman and COO

David Hoey

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